Wellness & sick/injured exams

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Wellness & sick/injured exams

We offer a full line of wellness examinations and tests, as well as provide a variety of sick exam services and treatments. Some examples of things that warrant a sick exam are:

  • Changes in your pets appetite, attitude, any GI upset, skin irritation/rash or reaction, changes in behavior, changes in urination, known toxic exposure, accidents, trauma or management of chronic conditions among other things.
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Wellness examinations and some screening tests are recommended on an annual basis, or for senior pets a semiannual basis (meaning twice yearly!). Senior citizen status is not reached at the same age for all pets, it varies depending on your pets size and breed.

Wellness exams for pets are beneficial as they provide an opportunity for early detection of potential health issues. This proactive approach can lead to early detection and treatment, often resulting in better outcomes and lower healthcare costs. Additionally, wellness exams help establish a baseline for your pet’s health, enabling veterinarians to track changes over time and provide personalized care.

Wellness and sick, injured exams

Annual health and wellness examinations

We offer a full line of wellness examinations and tests that are recommended on an annual basis to keep your pet in the best of health. Many of these same tests and exams are used to diagnose sick and injured pets as well.

Among the services we offer (no, this list is by no means complete!):

  • Comprehensive physical examination
  • Total Health Blood testing
  • Fecal testing for intestinal parasites
  • Annual vaccinations custom tailored to the needs of your pet
  • Testing for vector-borne (tick and mosquito) diseases including Heartworm, Ehrlichia, Lyme disease and Anaplasmosi
  • Dental Health Assessment
  • Microchip implantation
  • Parasite prevention plan
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Sick or Injured Pet Examinations

Many of these same tests and exams are used to diagnose sick and injured pets and bring them back to good health.

Among those services are (again this list is by no means complete!):

  • Comprehensive physical examination
  • Total Health Blood testing
  • Digital Radiograph Imaging
  • Testing for parasites including intestinal and vector-borne (tick and mosquito) diseases including Heartworm, Ehrlichia, Lyme disease and Anaplasmosis
  • Treatment of medical problems may include a medical procedure, injectable medication at the hospital or medication sent home to be administered after the visit
  • We are here for you at the day of diagnosis and will monitor the progress of your pets medical condition with clear recommendations and follow up through the course of treatment
Wellness examinations - West Creek Animal Clinic


West Creek Animal Clinic's vision is clear: We strive to provide patients in the greater Richmond area (and beyond) high quality care. We pride ourselves in offering treatment plans to fit you and your pets needs, regardless of the situation. What will not change is the loving care and experienced treatment that is offered to each patient.