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Vaccinations are crucial for pets because they help prevent the spread of infectious diseases, protecting them from serious illnesses. Vaccinating your pet also contributes to overall community health by reducing the risk of disease transmission to other animals and, in some cases, to humans. Regular vaccinations can significantly improve the well-being and longevity of your pet.

Core vaccinations are essential for all pets due to the severity of the diseases they protect against (such as rabies and distemper in dogs and cats) and are recommended for all healthy pets.

Elective vaccinations (or lifestyle vaccines) are recommended based on factors like lifestyle and environmental risk, and will vary for individual pets. Your veterinarian can tailor lifestyle vaccinations to your pet’s specific needs, taking into account factors like location, exposure to other animals, and travel plans.

Vaccination and checkups - West Creek Animal Clinic


West Creek Animal Clinic's vision is clear: We strive to provide patients in the greater Richmond area (and beyond) high quality care. We pride ourselves in offering treatment plans to fit you and your pets needs, regardless of the situation. What will not change is the loving care and experienced treatment that is offered to each patient.