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We offer complete oral health assessments and treatments, including full mouth intraoral radiographs, dental cleanings and treatment of a variety of oral health problems. We can keep your pet’s smile bright and their breath fresh and clean.

Arrow blob Dental surgery, Dr Minch - West Creek Animal Clinic
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Our range of services include:

  1. Dental Examinations: Comprehensive dental check-ups to assess the overall oral health of the animal.
  2. Teeth Cleaning (Prophylaxis): Removal of tartar and plaque buildup through scaling and polishing, performed under anesthesia.
  3. Digital Dental X-Rays: To assess underlying dental issues, such as tooth root problems or fractures that may not be visible from the surface.
  4. Periodontal Disease Treatment: Management of gum disease, including deep cleanings and medications.
  5. Extractions: Removal of damaged or diseased teeth to alleviate pain, infection and prevent further oral health problems.
  6. Preventive Care: Guidance on at-home dental care, including brushing and recommended dental products.
  7. Oral Health Education: Providing pet owners with information on maintaining their pet’s oral health and recognizing signs of dental problems.

Our Doctors will help you come up with a plan that suits your pets needs!

Dental. Smiling dog - West Creek Animal Clinic


West Creek Animal Clinic's vision is clear: We strive to provide patients in the greater Richmond area (and beyond) high quality care. We pride ourselves in offering treatment plans to fit you and your pets needs, regardless of the situation. What will not change is the loving care and experienced treatment that is offered to each patient.